Monday, July 4, 2016

NABUA - Week 23

Zone Conference 
Bula Vinaka!
Hey everyone! It's me again! Another great week in Nabua!! I grow to love this place and the people here so much more every day! I'll be sad when I finally go!

This week we had the opportunity to learn at the feet of our Mission President during Zone Conference. It was amazing. I wish we could learn from him more often. The organization of the church goes like this from the top: Prophet, First Presidency, 12 Apostles, Quorums of the 70, then Mission Presidents. Our mission president was called by the First Presidency, and set apart by an Apostle. So he's a really spiritual man! I learned SO much. His topic was the Atonement. I thought I understood the Atonement. But BOY, I learned so much that I didn't even know was possible! I have grown to love the Savior so much more this week, and am so grateful for his sacrifice just for me!

This week we also got some good news! There's a village that's about a 40 minute drive away that we haven't been allowed to proselyte in yet but where a member lives. We just got permission to sleep at the member's house if we need, and start building the church there! We just have to do a cultural meeting with the chief to formally ask if it's ok, where we give him gifts and stuff. If he accepts the gifts, we're good! So we'll see how that goes soon!

Other than that, it was just another normal week. Lots of walking, lots of teaching, and lots of the spirit. We were going to hike to a waterfall today but it's super rainy. So we'll do it next week. Which also means my letter next week might be a bit short, but I'll do my best!

For a spiritual thought this week I would again like to relate the importance of the scriptures. After Zone Conference I have been filled with a FIRE to learn the scriptures inside and out, and master the doctrines of His gospel. Read! Have the mentality that you are NOT ALLOWED to go to sleep if you haven't read for 10 minutes in a quiet place. If you do, other areas of your life will improve that you won't expect. I promise!

Well, that's about it! I love you guys so much, and miss you tons! Until next week, keep on keepin' on!
Au lomani kemuni!

-Elder Jaxson Jeremy Miller
National Sports day, the school children riding to the games
Literally every single member of every single village near us went to the Sports day, so we decided to go see what it's like and to see if anyone wants to hear a gospel message! (not many interested)

Tons of people sold snacks and treats

I'm starting to love rugby!

Birthday dinner at a nice resort!

Such a beautiful country!!

Another birthday dinner! Banana Cake!
Cutting the cake!

"Families Can Be Together Forever"

Jaxson got his Birthday package!! I received a very nice picture text from *unknown (mom is very happy!)

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