Sunday, December 20, 2015

LAMI - Week 10

Transfer Week!

Sorry all, this won't be the longest email this week because I've been pretty sick this weekend and looking at a computer screen is not helping my headache. But I'll try my best to edify you to your desires! Haha.

This week was transfer week. The week where the Mission President decides which Elders are staying in the areas and which are going. I was anxiously waiting ALL day on Tuesday for the call from President Layton. Then when it finally came... It was not even CLOSE to what I was expecting. 

So my area (Lami) is so big and has so much work that it was split between 2 sets of Elders. Then I pick up the phone and this is what my Mission President said: "Elder Miller, all 3 of the other Elders in Lami will be leaving and you'll be the only one staying. Your new companion will be Elder Otene, and you'll need to head Lami for the next 6 weeks." So I was a bit shocked. First of all because I was way scared to lead an area, and second of all because I knew I would miss these Elders that I've grown so close to. Another Elder in my district got called away too, so our district was going to be COMPLETELY different.

So the week went on. We had our goodbyes. Then my new companion came, Elder Otene. He's the man! He's way cool. He's from Australia. We got to know each other a ton this weekend as I've been bedridden.

It wasn't until about yesterday that I realized that I wasn't nervous or freaked out about the transfer anymore! A brand new Elder came here this week to. He's from Italy. He's WAY cool too. This will be a fun district. I realized that my Mission President is literally called from God to lead us in this mission, and he knows EXACTLY where the Lord needs us. 

I truly hope you all have an AMAZING Christmas week. I testify that if you remember the true meaning of Christmas this week, the Lord will bless you with one of the BEST Christmases you've ever had. I love you all so much!
Au lomani kemuni! Merry Christmas!

-Elder Jaxson Jeremy Miller
Pig head (a commodity in Fiji) - Looks appetizing, eh? 
The Fiji Rugby national team trophy. A player came by! 
Me in my new "Bula" shirt
The people sitting on the floor. These are all the most respected men in the village, and they asked us to sit at the table.
Us missionaries sitting at the table during a party, which is a HUGE honor in Fiji 
Me, Elder Burgener and Elder Harris 

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