Sunday, December 6, 2015

LAMI - Week 8

Week 8 Finished!

Ni sa Bula Vinaka na taciqu kei na ganequ!

Before I start I just wanted to thank all of you for reading my blog! I love my mission so so much already, and it has blessed me in so many ways. Hopefully when you read it blesses your life a little bit too, and gives you a little insight on the people of Fiji. Such an amazing country!

This week was SUPER hard working. I loved every second of it. We broke our record for number of lessons taught in a week! It also happened to be like my hottest week here in Fiji so far... So it was REALLY tiring. But it was worth it! 

On Tuesday we had what's called Mission Tour. The Area 70 for the South Pacific came and visited the mission. For me, we had a combined meeting with 4 zones. TONS of missionaries there. It was cool meeting new people and seeing some familiar faces from the MTC! The Area Authority's name is S. Gifford Nielsen. Some of you older BYU fans might know him... He was BYU's quarterback during Lavell Edward's time. He and his wife taught us. It was AMAZING. He has such an amazing knowledge of the scriptures and has the STRONGEST testimony of this church, especially about the Restoration. I learned so much from him. He was a big reason why this week was so hard working! He motivated me and my companion to just work. It's amazing to know that he works so closely with the prophet, and the prophet assigned him to come speak to us!

Ok, I want to tell about a man named Paulo Seniwaitui. This man is the nicest, most sincere, and kind man I've ever met. He's not a member, but his wife and kids are. For YEARS, missionaries have been trying to get him to take lessons, but he just hasn't been interested. Lately, his wife has been telling us that he feels he's missing something in life. Of course my companion and I became really excited when we heard that. We knew that all we needed was ONE CHANCE, to share with him this message and he would be hooked. We got that chance this week.

On Wednesday we got a call from his wife. She said that Paulo was really really sick. The hospital didn't have much to help him (the hospitals here are a bit sub-par as you can imagine). So she asked us to come give him a blessing. INSTANTLY my companion and I knew that this was our chance. I researched as much as I could about giving blessings and prayed so hard that I would say what I needed to say. Then came the blessing. It was actually a pretty short one. As I ended I was confident that I had followed the promptings of the Holy Ghost. I looked down at Paulo, and he was crying. He said he didn't know what it was, but he felt something go into his body through his head, and he felt warmth. And thus we see the power of the Priesthood of God. He is now taking lessons and is eating up everything! My companion and I are SO SO happy.

I'll finish up now by talking about what's on most of your minds a lot I'm sure: Christmas. This December, as some of you may have heard, the church has started an initiative titled "A Savior is Born". We missionaries are urged to share it with as many people as we can, so I'll urge you all to do the same. People can use the #ASaviorIsBorn or go to to see what it's all about. On the website there's a short video that I ask all of you to watch. It's amazing. It talks about why we celebrate Christmas, and why we celebrate Christ.

Christ gave us everything, including his own LIFE. What is our gift to Him the Christmas?

I beg you all to ponder this question in your hearts this Holiday season. The greatest gift that I can think of that we can give Him, is to show Him our true love for Him and His gospel. How will you show him your love this month?

As always, I love and miss you all so much. The work is moving well out here in Fiji, is it moving where you are? Keep on keepin' on! Until next week.
Au lomani kemuni!

-Elder Jaxson Miller

Lami koro (Lami village)
Two members that went teaching with us, Isoa and Sikeli
Stairs in a village called Nadonumai
A typical teitei, or farm. If you can't tell, it's almost a vertical incline
The view from a member's porch

A village called Suvavou - Literally "New Suva". It's one of the nicer villages
An investigator gave us ice cream and cake for dinner! Haha, I promise I finished my whole plate Mom
Selfies...Haha, even here in Fiji people take selfies

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